Friday, January 31, 2014

Post-Expo Update

January has been good to me, and a great start to 2014. In my last post I mentioned going to Houston, Texas to attend the Halloween and Party Expo as part of Mauler Monsters, LLC. I've been to conventions and expos before, but this was definitely a different experience. I pretended to be a salesman for a few days, Mauler Monsters received orders, and we all had a great time. I took a few photos and posted them in an album on their Facebook Page, for those that are so inclined. Their website is up and running too, albeit without the online store component (that will come after the orders are filled).

Right before I left for the expo I started my new job as a front-end developer intern at Blue Earth Interactive, a web and software development company in downtown Saint Paul. I've only worked there for a week or so, but I already love it. I'll spare the few that read this blog my joyous rambling, but it's a pretty awesome place. Just sayin'.

Mike finished two art pieces for HeroCraft this month, too: the Gold Golem and Scale Mail. He really upped his game on these two, and I couldn't be happier. I'm hoping to get a few more pieces now that I have a cash-flow again, so hopefully soon I'll have some more art from different artists coming in!

If all that wasn't enough, I've been working hard on writing my second draft of A Rogue's Life, the fantasy novel I wrote a year or so ago. My goal is to (obviously) improve the plot, but also to double the length of the story - from fifty-thousand words to one hundred thousand. I've written the first two chapters and kept pretty close to my mark. If anyone wants to "beta-read" them as I go, just drop me a line!

Anyway, here are some pretty pictures. I have lots of work to do, so I'd better get back to it!

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