Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Changes to Real Dedicated. Oh, and some lovely photos.

New Goals
One of the hardest things to do is to look at yourself, and objectively analyze what you see. For us that meant stepping back and looking at where our time and resources were being spent: Fireball. As group of people trying to get our names out, we thought a AAA title to be sold on Steam was the correct avenue. After roughly nine months of working on Fireball, though, we've realized that's just not the case. We've decided to reorient how we look at both ourselves and Fireball, and what's best for us right now.

We've moved Fireball to the side (as none of us want to stop working on it) in favor of a different strategy. We want to use our scarce resources more efficiently, and we think the best way to do that is to focus on short term projects and getting them into people's hands. Specifically, mobile and flash games. And, as a company-to-be, we need a professional HQ: a centralized place to show off what we're doing.

Brendan and I have been working on a website for Real Dedicated, and we hope to launch it by the end of January. This website will allow us to show who we are, what we do, and how to get a hold of us, all in one place. Here's our "official" press release that will launch with the website.

Real Dedicated is a fellowship of technology professionals and alumni who share a strong passion for making games. Real Dedicated means you willingly sacrifice time and sleep to complete a project. Real Dedicated means everything you create is of the highest quality possible.

Recently, we here at Real Dedicated have decided that we will no longer continue pursuing our headliner project, “Fireball”, in the same manner as we have been. It’s simply costing more time and resources than we currently have at our disposal. Instead, Real Dedicated is moving forward with new goals in mind.

“Fireball” will maintain a place in our workspace, as a pet project of sorts. This game is meant to demonstrate our ability to create AAA title games, and we will continue towork on it without a hard release date.

Furthermore, we plan on quickly building a small library of finished games. Diversity, experimentation, and fun are all concepts we hold ourselves to. In the past we’ve focused on sticking it to the man and creating big beautiful games without any kind of financial support. Now we want to try our hand at making small beautiful games, and getting them out into the world for others to enjoy.

This new website is the herald for change, and we’re pretty excited. We’re looking forward to creating and releasing a number of titles on various platforms, all under our humble umbrella.

Now, as soon as someone produces some pizza we can get started.
 There probably won't be any news on RD until the website gets launched, but that's not too far into the future!

Oh, and some pictures
I spent MLK day taking some pictures with my new Canon T2I. Here are some of my favorites.

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